This little one was so cute, and when she smiled, you just wanted to pinch her cheeks. I just love when they start to get all those baby squishy parts! I hope you guys enjoy your sneak peak!
It has been so busy, I have been neglecting the Ol' blog! So, here are a few from some recent family sessions to catch up on! Hope everyone enjoyed Turkey day!
You guys may remember these two I have been photographing this family since I started, and even in that short amount of time it amazes me how much children change! Even Ms. A, she went from a young teenager to a knock out over night! And Mr. R, he is one of my favorites! I love when I get to see him, his smile just lights up! I hope you guys enjoy your images!
Once again, I get the absolute cutest kids! This little boy has so much spunk and the bluest eyes you have ever seen! This couple had just moved into their house, and were so excited to capture some images there. The parents were so laid back! I love families like this...
Its that time of year, holidays and families! I love when families make it easy, and this group did. The girls were perfect! Hope you guys enjoy your images!
This little guy is so stinkin' cute, and his parents are two of my favorites, you might remember their gorgeous maternity shots two months ago! They were so much fun! Congratulations on your little man! I hope you enjoy your sneak peak!
I am so sorry I have been a blog slacker...its one of my new years resolutions! So many things to do in January!! Anyways, I have been crazy busy these last few weeks with new babies, families and maternity clients, so I am taking this time to catch up and show some shots! I hope you guys enjoy!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
How stinkin' cute are these two? This little little duo was so much fun! Miss F, who is 4 months old, had the cutest personality! She was a natural in front of the camera. Mr. T, he was so smitten with his sister, and had the cutest little dimples! I had such a wonderful time with these two and their mom! I hope you guys enjoy your sneak peak!
What a night! I am not sure who had more fun, the kids, or Mark and I. We started at a Halloween get together down the street! It was so much fun getting to see everyone all in one place. We let the kids start at about 7 and YES Miss H made it till 8:00, she did awesome! Wonder Woman went much longer, the top picture is after we finished the night, I think she could have gone another hour! Now, what are we going to do with all this candy???