Thursday, September 6, 2007

First Tooth!

Its gone! The first tooth is gone. Ash is just shy of her 5th birthday and she has lost her very first baby tooth. Of course, the tooth fairy came, and Mark and I immediately noticed that there has been 500% inflation from when we were kids! She got the tooth out by biting into Laffy Taffy~ hey, you have to do what works! The Sprout is growing up (can you hear my crying???). Of course, the first thing she did was check it out in the mirror! Congratulations Ash!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Awwww, it's so exciting when they lose their first tooth! She's starting early. :)

Caitlin lost her first tooth when she was 5 1/2, but then lost 6 more in the span of about a year! She looks way too old now with all her big girl teeth growning in. :(