Thursday, September 6, 2007

I've been Tagged...

I have been tagged by one of my photog friends and so I have to say 8 random things about myself:

1) I am addicted to email, I love it! I cant go a day without checking it, much less an hour!

2) I love products: lotions, makeup, etc, and my girls do too!

3) I love watching a Baby Story, watch it every day! (its no wonder I photograph pregnant women and newborns)

4) I have been married for 2 years to the most supportive and wonderful man, we have 3 stepchildren, and one beautiful daughter together.

5) I LOVE Christmas, decorating for it, planning for it, cooking for it! All of it! Its an addiction, and my husband is as bad as me!

6) I love wine, and I love chocolate! Well, all desserts, really!

7) I used to work in film and television, and have been on the sets of movies, commercials and music videos.

8) I LOVE to watch college football, especially the Gators!!

Well, thats it! Me in 8 little facts. Now, I am off to tag someone else!

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